Cryo therapy studies for whole body cryo therapy

Medical studies about cryo therapy – whole body cryo therapy 

There have been a number of studies and application observation regarding different illnesses. Today many application areas are still unexplored though.

We made a cryo therapy studies archive for you. This collection of cryo therapy studies is being updated continuously. 

We work with a team of international cryo therapy specialists to archive and assess all the published cryo therapy research work in the are of whole body cryo therapy (WBC). Relevant and meaningful studies are translated in German, English and Spanish and made available for all cryo chamber interested, operators and patients. 

Currently we are working on programming a cryo therapy online archive with an array of features, so the archived studies are available for everyone. Even non-experts can have a direct overview of the effects, the results of studies in different application areas and the possible areas of application for cryo therapy. 

Our online archive is of course free for everyone to use. 

We are opening the archive in December 2021. 

Until December we will provide the collection upon request. 

In the meantime you can contact us to request the studies:


Here a few studies about cryo therapy:

  • Miller, E. Effect of whole body cryotherapy on uric acid concentration in plasma of multiple sclerosis patients. (2011).
  • Reduzierung des Arzneimittelverbrauchs nach Ganzkörperkältetherapie (GKKT) bei -110°C – Prof. Dr. sc. med. Winfried Papenfuss (August 2010)
  • Fonda, B. & Sarabon, N. Effects of whole-body cryotherapy on recovery after hamstring damaging exercise: a crossover study. (2013).
  • Bettoni, L. et al. Effects of 15 consecutive cryotherapy sessions on the clinical output of fibromyalgic patients. (2013)